
OMR Sheet Design with Integer type MCQ Block

The Addmen OMR Software has an inbuilt facility that helps in designing OMR sheets. Also, there is no limitation to the number of designs that you can create. You are can create different types of layouts, formats and blocks too. One of the OMR design blocks is the integer type MCQ block. This is used when the answer of a question is in the numerical form. It is quite commonly seen in IIT JEE OMR answer sheets. Let us try to know about it in detail.


Integer type MCQ block

Here, we have presented an IIT JEE (Advanced) OMR design with Integer type MCQ Block. In this answer sheet, there are three sections with 60 questions in total. Each section has 20 questions. The first 10 questions are the typical MCQ blocks and the last 10 are integer type MCQ blocks.

In normal MCQ blocks, the candidate or student is provided with four or five answer options. However, in integer type questions, the student is provided with at least 10 options, as in the sample sheet provided here. In case the answer to the question is a single digit number, the blocks present are from 0 to 9. This way, the students have ten options to choose from.

The integer type blocks can also be presented for answers that have two digit numbers. In this case, there would be two rows of digits from 0 to 9. Here, the students would get 99 options to choose from. You can take a look at the Integer type of Blocks with the sample provided here.

OMR Design with Integer type MCQ Block